Tuesday 2 October 2012

"You come from a land devoid of vowels!"

When moving here, I made the conscious decision to continue to spell ''American.''  That means no ''tyres,'' ''kurbs,'' ''colours,'' or ''realises" (they really don't like "z's"...or should I say "zeds" on this island!)  My argument is that I'm pretty sure there is not enough room in my brain to squeeze in the all veterinary material I'm required to know, so I can't justify wasting any space RE-learning how to spell.

I have enough of a hard time trying to figure out what people are talking about when they pronounce words I already know differently! Case in point:  "Duodenum," which I pronounce DO-ODD-E-NUMB. If my professor pronounces it DO-O-DEE-NUMB, then with the accent I think they're just saying "Jejunum" funny, and that's a different area of the small intestine entirely!!  A girl can get herself confused!! I've caught myself on occasion saying "capillary" wrong (CA-PILL-A-REE...what nonsense!) but I've quickly put an end to that habit by just saying "tiny blood vessels."  It makes me sound really scientific, but at least saves me the embarrassment of committing treason against my mother tongue. :)

The other reason I can't bother to learn the British spelling of words is lack of time!  Roughly 14 hours of the day I'm already devoting to actively incorporating British expressions into my everyday language so that I have a nice souvenir when I ever return to the States.   This includes words like "lovely," "brilliant" (but NOT the slang "tots bril!" YUCK!), "cheers," and "bollocks," plus some lesser known expressions like "mingin" and "moppet." (Note, the rest of the day is comprised of about 2 hours making sure I keep in my Southern "yes, maam's" and the final 8 I'm fast asleep! There just isn't any time for spelling!)

This has worked well enough for me thus far.  I recently gave an entire 12-minute long power-point presentation about hematopoietic tumors in dogs, and never once wrote "haematopoietic" on the slides.  No one made any mention of my "misspelling" but then again I have yet to receive that grade, so we'll have to wait and see!  As I attend a supposedly very world institution, though, you'd think as long as I wrote in English (American or UK!) all would be accepted...

"My only comment is that on this side of the Atlantic we spell oesophagus with an 'o.'"

I guess it all comes down to personal preference and patriotism of the grader, though.  Thankfully no marks were deducted, because I still refuse to change my ways!!


Tuesday 25 September 2012

Brian and Kim take on Scotland

So I don't want everyone thinking my entire summer was consumed by farm trips and exciting family visits; Brian and I did get to enjoy some quality downtime and explore new parts of Scotland together!  

We recently took the train west of Edinburgh to the town of Linlithgow.  Here sits Linlithgow Palace, birthplace of Mary Queen of Scots.  The medieval palace has been wonderfully preserved and there are stairwells leading to dozens of different hidden rooms everywhere you look!  It was a fabulous day trip! 
Fountain in the courtyard of Linlithgow Palace
Linlithgow Palace

Brian looking out the old entryway over the loch

In the Great Hall of Linlithgow Palace

Linlithgow Palace
 Another weekend we took the short trip out along the Firth of Forth to the coastal town of North Berwick.  We packed a picnic and sat on the beach enjoying the salty air and sunshine (when the clouds would disperse!)  I accidentally bought the one (literally, ONE) bottle of wine from the corner store that wasn't a twist-off, and had no bottle opener with me, so I left Brian to guard our secret cove as I ran into town to buy another.  Well...my mind must have been enjoying the relaxation a little too much since I then returned to the beach carrying a second non-twist-off bottle.  Of course I declined my receipt in an attempt to save paper, but the nice lady had mercy on my pathetic mistake and agreed to exchange it anyway! :)

Going for a dip in the beach in North Berwick

North Berwick
Just south of Edinburgh is the town of Roslin.  It's just outside of my school, but I never really took the bus the extra stops to see what it was all about.  The town itself is exactly what I've come to expect from the tiny UK rural towns, but the real magic of it lies just off the main strip in the Roslin Glen. Here the River Esk twists its way through a jagged gorge.  The ruins of Roslin Castle and the famous Roslin Chapel (which you may know as the supposed site of the Holy Grail from The Divinci Code) sit on the shores overlooking the river.  One weekend Brian and I strapped on our Vibram FiveFingers, packed a backpack lunch and went off wading into the waters to get some fresh air!
Roslin Glen

River Esk, Roslin Glen

Roslin Glen
Our final trip of the summer came just last week when we took off camping as a belated birthday trip for Brian.  We ended up driving north to the eastern Highlands to a town called Braemer in Aberdeenshire on the River Dee.  We brought Bao along and he was a fabulous hiking companion!  We saw Black Grouse, Red Deer and a Red Squirrel.  We 'wild-camped' along the River Dee and had the most wonderful views of the moon reflecting off the water at night and the sun rising up over the highlands in the morning.  It was quite chilly in the morning (in fact, Bao crawled inside my sleeping bag part way through the night!) but it was worth scraping the frost off the tent to have had such a wonderful adventure!  These pictures don't due it justice!! On the return trip, we stopped at the Scone Palace just north of Perth.  Scone Palace was the home of the Stone of Destiny that many of the kings of Scotland, including Robert the Bruce, were crowned upon. It now is the extravagant home of the Earls of Mansfield.


hiking buds

Dirty paws, and loving every minute of it!

Cairngorms National Park and town of Braemar


At the top of Montrose Hill

Family Shot!

Some friendly cows back at the base

Bao pointing at a duck in the road

Our most perfect camp site on the River Dee!

Sunrise from our camp
Frost on the tent in the wee hours

Replica of the Stone of Destiny at Scone Palace

Scone Palace

Excited to see what adventures are in store throughout the fall!!


Monday 24 September 2012

Scotland Summer: Part 2

I'm trying my hardest to use this blog just to keep in touch with everyone back home and share some of my favorite experiences from living in the UK and being in veterinary school.  This post, however, may end up having a bit more of a message attached to it.  This post I'll devote to telling you about the variety of EMS (extramural studies) animal husbandry experiences I partook in over the summer and what I've learned from them.

Animal welfare in an agricultural setting is something I've always felt very strongly about.  This, along with environmental concerns associated with large-scale farming, is why as most of you know, I've been vegetarian for the past 15 years.  I've not been against the consumption of animals, but I've never wanted to support industries whose welfare practices and sustainability are in question.  Additionally, I've felt that as a whole Americans do consume too much meat without thinking about where our food comes from, so to off-set the over-consumption, I've abstained.  My mandatory week or fortnight visits to all sectors of the food animal industry has now given me the opportunity to be even more knowledgeable about the practices that are involved in getting your dinner onto your plate.  Although some of these experiences were a bit hard for me to stomach, I'm really glad I have now seen things first-hand.

Not from my actual farm placement...but just imagine this when the birds are 3 or 4 times this size!  No room to move!
The summer started with a week on a poultry farm.  Luckily my bestie and fellow vet kid, Sabrina, joined me on this adventure, otherwise I may not have survived!  And despite what she says, I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR FENDER-BENDER WITH A STATIONARY POLL IN AN EMPTY PARKING LOT!! :)

We were able to split our week between a laying farm (where cockerels and hens live together, fertilized eggs being collected for hatching into the birds you eat) and then a broiler farm (where the birds you eat are raised up from chick to slaughter weight.)  Really all I can say is that there is a reason why these farms hide themselves away from the public eye so well.  I spent an entire morning just walking up and down the masses of birds picking up the dead carcasses until my bag of dead birds would get too heavy for me to carry.  The vast majority of chickens on the market are genetically-altered breeds that no longer resemble the wild poultry species that are able to move around.  The breast are too large, the legs too weak, and growth is too fast.  As a result many of the birds are too lame to stand fully upright, and if they fall down will actually be suffocated by their peers due to the high stocking density within barns.  In some barns I was in there were 60,000 birds packed in.  We saw them half-grown, so I can't imagine how they manage when they double in size.  The barns are dusty and smelly and no way to live (we wore jumpsuits, ventilators and had to shower before and after entering the barns!)  We rationalize this by downplaying bird sentience, but having seen them running in 'fear' and having heard them 'cry' when they'd get knocked down and unable to run away from us, I cannot justify keeping animals in these conditions.

We even saw barns that housed birds destined for a fancy chain of grocery stores that will remain un-named.  These birds get sold at a higher premium for offering a supposed higher degree of animal welfare.  People pay for them because they're told they live in barns with windows, lower stocking densities and 'enrichment' to encourage natural behaviors.  Well, I call BS!  The birds are still packed in, just to a lesser degree.  The windows are too thick and tinted to allow for any UV penetration or visual stimuli, and the 'enrichment' consists of hays bales lining the barn on their sides, so that they are too high for the birds to even jump up on.  After seeing this, I really encourage you to think about where your poultry are coming from, rather than just be taken in by the nice green grass and red barn pictured on the label.

(No worries...that was the big rant!  Things are much better from here on out!)

With calves at the dairy farm (sorry about the small image size!)
An especially friendly calf

My next EMS experience was much better as I spent 2 weeks working on a dairy farm.  Dairy farms certainly have their share of problems with high degrees of lameness (due to the amount of time the cows stand in a hard milking parlour) and mastitis (mammary infections due to the stress from twice daily milking.)  The rest of the time however, the cows get to go outside and into a nice green pasture to graze.  The photos above show the calves that will remain out on grass until they get old enough to breed and begin lactating.  They have room to move and socialize and experience the outdoors.  Milking can be a pretty dirty job (I MAY have once realized I had cow poop inside my ear only after I was on the public bus on the way home!  Whoops!) but in general the cows are really neat animals to work with, and all the farm staff seem to really care about the well-being of their herd.  Granted, this may not be the case everywhere, and I do know of mega-dairy herds where the 'outdoor' areas the cows are turned out into just consists of mud/slurry, but in general I was very pleased to see this side of the industry and learn to joke around with my favorite, scruffy Scottish farmers! :)

My next placement took me away from agriculture and onto 2 weeks with a dog and cat shelter.  It was absolutely eye-opening to see the vast number of animals that get relinquished each week, and how few get adopted out each day.  The intake certainly outweighs the outtake, so it is a wonder this shelter is able to manage as well as they do.  I have great respect for the people who work day in and out in such an emotionally draining and physically exhausting job.  I hope that in my time at the rescue I was able to lend a hand and be of some help!  One of the downsides to this placement was that it was all the way on the other side of town...meaning I had to leave an hour and a half early each morning to catch the right buses, only to then arrive 25min early before the gates opened.  I managed to make the most of this time sitting in a park or on the seawall overlooking the Firth of Forth while enjoying my morning thermos of Yorkshire Gold tea.  The trips home each afternoon when I was tired and smelly, however, were exhausting.
My final placement of the summer took me to an organic, free-range, rare-breed pig farm!    Here, the Tamsworth pigs eat whatever they find in the pasture along with farm-grown, organic barley and beans.  They are a breed with adequate hair covering so do not suffer hypothermia in the cold ( a common problem with the covnentional Large White breed of pig, which is why so many are housed indoors.)  The sows do not require farrowing crates to restrain them during birth and after, because their litter sizes are small (ie normal!) and their legs are proportional to their body so they can lay down gently without crushing their young.  The piglets don't require supplemented iron because they get all the vitamins and minerals they need from the rummaging through the soil.  The pigs all seem happy and curious and HEALTHY!

One important distinction to make re: organic systems in the UK is that some preventative medicines are allowed, as are antibiotics and other medications required to treat conditions as they arise.  The wash-out period after having administered any medications is extended, but the animals ARE cared for.  In the States, once an animal has been treated with antibiotics they are no longer allowed to be classed as organic and therefore must leave the herd.  Some people then argue that there is a diminished level of care given to these animals as the farmer may try to forgo treatment all together, hoping the issue will resolve itself rather than take the economic loss of selling the animal off.  Having lived with the farm owners here and talked with them extensively about their practices each night over supper, I can be certain that this is not what I experienced on this particular farm.  It was wonderful to see an agricultural system that in theory I really support also be so honorable in practice.

I love this piglet's expression!

Napping piglets!  They look cute now, but just pick one up and you'll hear the most blood-curdling screams!

Outdoor raised pig set-up

Group of dry sows enjoying the sunshine and dirt.

Curious mama
 This farm, which also raise sheep and beef cattle, also process all of their own carcasses on site.  They are committed to being involved in every step of the process to ensure every aspect of their meat production is to the high standards that they hold.  Although I do not want to eat conventional pork, I would actually eat pigs raised from this farm, because I can be 100% behind everything from how the animal is born and raised and fed to how it is processed.
The next stage-pork salted and curing
 Which brings me to my next thought.  The owners of this farm were so excited about the work they were doing, that they were eager to share it with the public and their consumers.  They welcomed us into their home to stay for the week and happily shared the details of their farm management.  They took us into their butchery to show us how they handle the carcasses to turn them into the highest quality organic meat.  We had conversations about the farms' role in creating and sustainable environment and they invited us back to the farm to plant native vegetation around the interior hedgerows, in hopes of encouraging native wildlife and arthropods into the ecosystem.  They wanted to share with us the fundamentals of their non-conventional system, which they are so passionate about!  So, if you find yourself a local/organic/free-range producer at a farmers marker and you get the chance to strike up a conversation about how they came to be doing what they're doing, ASK!  If they're truely passionate about creating a great product without compromising animal welfare or the environment, they will be so excited to chat with you about it!  And, better yet, if you get the chance to visit a farm and see with your own eyes how your food is raised, please do!  One of my biggest pet peeves is when people say '[they] just can't think about meat once being an animal.'  It should be 100% the opposite; we should all have a deep understanding of the connection between farm animal and their welfare and the product wrapped up in the grocery aisle.  We need to get back to having a healthy relationship and respect of our food, and to do that we all need to get back on the farm.

SO, after much deliberation I have decided for my own health to return to selective-omnivorism. :)  Having developed a more complete understanding of the food animal industry, I have now decided to eat UK (preferably Scottish) beef and lamb.  I am comfortable enough with the farm assurance schemes in place to feel that the animal lived a good quality of life on a pasture before going to market/abbattoir.  Once I return to the States I may have my work cut out for me in trying to decide what meats I am comfortable eating, and when I go to restaurants I'll still consider myself vegetarian unless I can be confident in the meat's source, but, now you all know...I'm no longer vegetarian.  I'm guess I'm now going to have to put my blog title in quotes! :)


Scotland Summer: Part 1

So the summer is officially over...not that we really had a 'summer' over in the UK anyway!  I haven't exactly kept everyone up on my happenings these past 4 months, so I'm going to try and do that now!  The summer was filled with either family visits and animal husbandry experiences for school...both of which ended kept me very busy.  This blog will be devoted to sharing some photos from the family visits, but stay tuned for Part 2, where I'll tell you all about my time wearing a ventilator in a barn crammed with  60,000 chickens! :)  

I want to thank everyone who spent their time and money coming over to visit us in Scotland.  I know it was a vacation for you, too, but Brian and I really appreciate getting to spend time with family as with work and ££ we didn't have the opportunity to get back the The States.  It also gave us a great excuse to get out and explore more of the country that we've been taking for granted and not made the time to do ourselves. Remember that all are welcome here anytime, provided you don't mind sleeping on a futon mattress and an overly energetic dog waking you up in the mornings!

The Casey visit was a success, despite me giving them the wrong directions to the wrong trains from the wrong airport in Glasgow.  Turns out the trio can do a pretty good job of navigating through the UK on their own, and no one got hit crossing the street!  During their visit we managed to drink lots of good hand-pulled, room-temperature British pints, see ALL of Edinburgh (then promptly collapse in bed each night), and get out of the city to explore the countryside (city of Stirling, Stirling Castle, Doune Castle from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, city, castle and cathedral of St. Andrews, and Trossachs National Park-at the southern tip of the Highlands.)  As you can see, we got fabulous weather during their time visiting...probably the best of the summer!  Mom, Pops and Katie have the complete collection of photos from the trip so just ask them to see more when ever you have a spare hour to two. ;)

Dad at Rob Roy's grave;  Balquhidder Kirk, Trossachs National Park

Balquidder, Trossachs National Park

St. Andrew Cathedral Ruins

St. Andrews Cathedral ruins (spectacular!)

Hiking Salisbury Crag to overlook Edinburgh

Atop Salisbury Crags; Edinburgh Old Town beneath (see the Castle)

Calton Hill in New Town, Edinburgh, in front of the "Shame of Scotland" (a monument that the city ran out of ££ and could never complete)

St Andrews Cathedral ruins

Edinburgh Castle, with stadium being resurrected for the famous Edinburgh Festival and Military Tattoo

Royal Botantical Gardens
National Gallery in Princes St Gardens

Loch Lomond, Trossachs National Park
This about sums things up!

After Mom and Dad left, Katie stuck around to run wild throughout the city with me.  We had some good veg/sister-bonding time and then Brian, Katie and I all went to see the USA vs Columbia Women's Olympic Football match in Glasgow.

Becky and Joe also made the trip over from Germany for a nice weekend in June.  Unfortunately the weather was not on their side, but we enjoyed a nice weekend in the city, nonetheless, and even squeezed in some hiking between rain showers.  We also enjoyed pints and free strawberries and cream while we watched the final matches of Wimbledon.
View of Edinburgh from the Pentland Hills just south of the city

Hiking in the Pentlands

We finally just had our last set of visitors as Kate and Keith were able to make the journey over from Ireland.  Becky and Joe returned for a surprise baby shower in Kate's honor, then Kate and Keith stayed the weekend, exploring the city and allowing us yet another journey into a new part of Scotland: Glencoe and Oban on the west coast.
Baby Shower Decor!  Martha Stewart would be proud! (and, yes the banner does read "it's a baby."  My idea of "congrats" was vetoed!)

Thanks to everyone who sent along presents!  It made the shower really special  to have so much effort put in by so many people!

Bao thought all the gifts were for him...especially a plush Hungry Hungry Catepillar (thanks, Katie!!)

Glencoe; site of the famous Glencoe Massacre

Dunoille Castle, Oban, Argyll, Scotland

Oban, Argyll, Scotland

Oban, Argyll, Scotland

It was so nice to see so many wonderful people over the summer and I hope we are able to return the gesture and visit all of you in this coming year!!  Cheers!